Frequently Asked Questions

How long has EDC been building homes?
EDC Homes was founded in 1996 and builds over one hundred homes per year.
Why should I buy an EDC Home?
EDC Homes has a better built home, exceptional customer service and is ranked #9 (2013 Data) on the Builders Top Ten Local Leaders List; however, those things aren't the only reasons why you should choose EDC Homes - its because we "care" more. We enjoy what we do and it shows in the quality of homes we build for people like you. At EDC Homes we strive to give you a great EDC Experience, with the best customer service in the business.
Do I need a real estate agent to buy from EDC Homes?
EDC homes is a broker friendly builder which means, if you have a real estate agent and they bring you to one of our homes, both you and your agent will be warmly welcomed. However, if you do not have a real estate agent, our professional sales staff will be happy to help you.
Does EDC provide a warranty with its homes?
Buying a new home is one of the largest investments you will ever make, which is why it’s important to ensure your home comes with protection. As a 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty member, EDC Homes provides every new home we build with a 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty, the nation’s leading home warranty company.
What does being a 2-10 Home Builder Warranty member mean for your home?
2-10 HBW only accepts the best builders into their program. To become a member, EDC Homes went through an extensive screening process that measures our building practices against strict underwriting guidelines to ensure we maintain a high quality product in addition to a careful inspection of our workmanship.
Will EDC build a house for me on my lot?
Yes. Please contact EDC for more information.
Can we choose our own paint colors?
Yes. Provided the drywall hasn’t been ordered and installed.
We like the fireplace we saw in another EDC home we visited. Can we have one in our new home?
Absolutely. Please call EDC for the latest list of options and customizations.
Do we call EDC to set up utilities for when we move in?
No. Please see the Resources page for contact information for your local utility companies.
If we tell someone about EDC Homes and they end up buying one, do we get a credit?
Yes. Please see the Buyer Referral Program link in EDC's For Homeowners section.